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All Events
  • Tuesday ,
    OctOctober  22 , 2024
    Defensive Driving Course with Brotherhood

    Tuesday, Oct 22nd 6:30pm to 9:30pm
    Brotherhood is sponsoring it's yearly Defensive Driving Class to provide auto insurance discounts and/or points reduction. This class should be refreshed every three years to maintain the discounts/reductions. Those who have not taken the class since the 2021 can register again.


  • Wednesday ,
    OctOctober  23 , 2024
    Simchat Torah Service

    Wednesday, Oct 23rd 6:15pm to 7:30pm
    Come for music and celebration as we unroll the Torah scroll (INDOORS) and begin the cycle again. 


  • Sunday ,
    OctOctober  27 , 2024
    A Taste of Judaism

    Sunday, Oct 27th 10:00am to 11:30am
    A Taste of Judaism® makes it easy to explore Judaism. There are no course books and no homework. The course content assumes no previous knowledge about or exposure to Judaism. Each class explores a different aspect of Judaism. Come to 1 session or all 3.


  • Monday ,
    NovNovember  4 , 2024
    Community Service Through Flowers

    Monday, Nov 4th 11:00am to 12:30pm
    The program promotes a sense of peace and unity within our community and beyond through acts of loving kindness and social justice. Our goal is to bring joy into the lives of the elderly by creating floral arrangements which are distributed to local nursing homes and to build community among volunteers through this process.



our vision

To support the spiritual and religious journey of our congregants and provide the foundation for building a better world through teaching and living our Jewish values. 

More info on our values

our mission

We strengthen the connections of our congregants with Judaism in order to live meaningful and purposeful lives.  We provide an inclusive, warm and welcoming community.  We promote a sense of peace and unity within our community and beyond through acts of loving kindness and social justice. 

music in our community

 “Then sang Moses and the children of Israel.” 
Exodus 15:1

more info

Clergy BLOGS, BIOS & partners 


We're a group of guys doing good things for the Temple and our community:

  • Midnight Runs to bring food and clothing to the homeless
  • Scholarships and multi-layered support for our Center for Jewish Learning (CJL) School
  • Ushering at High Holy days 
  • Temple Israel Softball Team
  • Comedy Night, Community breakfasts, Lecture Program & NOSH, our Jewish Food Festival

For more friends, more laughs & more bagels...join us!

more information



The Sisterhood of Temple Israel is a community within a community.

  • We are single, married and partnered
  • We are with and without children
  • We are born Jewish, Jews by choice and non-Jews married to Jews
  • We are new and long-time members
  • We are mothers, daughters and sisters

We would love to include you in our community!  Please join us!

more information


make a difference

Temple Israel offers a variety of ways to help you make a difference in the
lives of others, whether you have hours to give or just minutes. 


Weekly TEMPLE ISRAEL schedule

we offer the use of hearing devices

Today's Calendar

Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot

Tomorrow's Calendar

Hoshana Rabbah
: 4:30pm
Simchat Torah service with Sh'ma Na Na Band
: 6:15pm

Friday Night

Shabbat Worship
: 7:00pm

Shabbat Day

Torah Study
: 9:30am
: 10:30am


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785