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Jewish Renewal In Poland

Jewish Renewal in Poland was the subject of the recent Brotherhood Breakfast. The Brotherhood's relationship with the Jewish Renewal started over 15 years ago when we had a direct channel to a reform congregation in Warsaw. Since then, an umbrella organization in California has been fostering Jewish renewal in several Polish cities. The movement is attracting Polish citizens who knew their families were once Jewish and are now re-establishing their Jewish roots...some through Jewish conversion, some having Jewish weddings, some celebrating Shabbat and participating in their local temple events.

Many of brotherhood's breakfast attendees wanted to know how they could help...the speaker (Rabbi Haim Beliak) said they certainly need our economic support. To this end, if you would like to support this effort, please send your check made out to TINW-Brotherhood and mark in the note on the check "Jewish Renewal". The Brotherhood will batch all the contributions and forward them on to the Jewish Renewal in Poland.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785