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Student Registration Forms can be accessed after logging in to your account and making your 2024-25 Membership Commitment.

If you are not yet a member, you can make your membership commitment first and then register.  If you have any questions about membership, please reach out to Matt Mansfield, Temple Administrator, 914-271-4705 x121.

Join the Center for Jewish Learning 

Temple Tots, Kindergarten, Grades 1-12 & Madrichim Programs

Live - Our CJL students live their Judaism through experiencing Tefilah (prayer/worship), celebrating Jewish holidays as a community, and participating in community service activities and off-campus trips to augment their learning.

Learn - our CJL is a hub of activity in which our students actively engage in learning about Judaism in their home classrooms and cultural electives.  Hebrew is taught both as an ancient prayer language and as a modern, vibrant language which connects us as a people.  Israel is taught as aspect of Jewish identity which includes learning about the people, state and land of Israel.

Connect - CJL is a place where we devote time to foster relationships among our students, teens, and teachers. Our high school students often choose to continue their Jewish education after the b'nei mitzvah years and serve as teen aides in the CJL because of their connection to other students and our Faculty.

We welcome you to come explore our CJL!

New students can join us by emailing Rabbi Wendy Pein or by calling us at 914.271.4705 x123 or x121.  You can also email Robin Safarowic, Temple Administrator.  

View the class descriptions.

Student Registration Forms can be accessed after logging in to your account and making your 2024-25 Membership Commitment


Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785