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session 6

10/21/2018 10:10:14 AM


Mrs. Seidner

Boker Tov Koolam, Good morning everyone).

This week , as usual, we began CJL in the sanctuary, getting accustomed to the tunes and order of our prayers.

In class, we read the story of Adam and Eve, part of our Torah. We then read the children's book, The First Dog, to get some perspective of what we are striving for when we talk about the Garden of Eden and wanting to live in a better world , more like "Paradise". The children worked on stories about an imaginary first in Eden and came up with first baseball game and first sister!

We learned the lookalike letters Resh, (which looks like a rounded right hand), and Dalet, which has an additional "diving board" and we looked at our twins as we searched for small ways to distinguish what is not quite identical! Ask the children to write: Tav- T sound, Shin- SH sound, Resh- R sound and Dalet- D sound.

We learned a song with Cantor that needs to be sung on one foot, as our Sage Hillel did when he summed up the Torah. Each of the first five holidays had a three word summary. See what your children remember!

We met with Morah Ariela for Hebrew Through Movement where we attempt to follow Hebrew directions exactly. Ask your children what Hebrew words they remember. See if they can teach you some directions to follow!!

We are in the midst of planning our trip to the Food Pantry and will let you know when it's scheduled.

Have a good week everyone, (Shavuah Tov).

Morah Devorah

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784