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session 15 1/13/19

01/13/2019 10:18:29 AM


Mrs. Seidner

Boker Tov Kitta Bet Mishpahot,

This week at Temple Israel, we started at sanctuary and were led in prayer by Cantor and Rabbi Pein. The children are behaving b'shalom,(peacefully), in the sanctuary and getting to know the important songs and prayers.

Back in class, we listened to the story, UNCLE WILLIE AND THE SOUP KITCHEN, and imagined how we might help some of the people in the story. The pictures your children drew are on the Kitta Bet portion of the bulletin board in the main hallway. This was an introduction to the next two important weeks:

Coming up on January 20, it is Mitzvah day. Children will participate in projects to create items that can help disadvantaged neighbors, and January 27, where we will visit the Food pantry in Pleasantville. Both of these Sundays require an adult to stay with their student.

NOTE: There has been a special request for donations of instant coffee for the food pantry.

We learned about the Birthday of trees holiday, Tu Bishvat, with our funny Dean Freidman song and our classroom tree, where we hung Hebrew letters that stood for real things that grow on trees and silly things. We learned the Hebrew words, ETZ-tree, and Teepesh- silly.

In Hebrew through Movement we reviewed our verbs, our nouns and our colors with Ariela. We can understand simple sentences!! Look for a Hebrew Through Movement Link on the Home Page.

I look forward to seeing you at our two very special upcoming weeks.

Thanks very much for the contributions made for Mitzvah day.

Shavuah tov,

Morah Devorah


Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784