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session 15 1/13/19

01/13/2019 10:16:42 AM


Mrs. Deckert and Mr. Chazdon

Dear Kitah Dalet families,

Students came into the sanctuary tired and bleary eyed, but Cantor Lauren got them singing and moving to joyful music!

We introduced an expanded list of middot/ Jewish values and the students were very excited to share how they embodied these values in their lives, adding stickers to our growing mensch chart.

The holiday of Tu B'Shevat celebrates the birthday of the trees in Israel. We had a 'Taste of Tu B'Shevat' as we tasted many different fruits grown in Israel, and made juice mixtures representing the different growing seasons of the year. We also compared the varieties of fruit to different types of people. Most students felt they were like a grape: soft and kind on the inside as well as the outside. They said they knew other people who were like a peach with a hard pit on the inside or a pineapple with a hard exterior and a sweet interior! We talked about the commandment from Torah: Bal Tashhit/ Do not destroy. We came up with a list of ways we can protect the environment and made a recycled Tu B'Shevat poster for our bulletin board.

*Next week is Mitzvah Morning at TINW for all CJL students and their families. See you at 9:30 as we do a little 'praying with our hands and feet!'

*Please add this date to your calendar: 3/24/19 10:00 Kitah Dalet trip to Bethel Nursing and Rehab 67 Springvale Rd Croton- on- Hudson. More info to follow.


Betsy Deckert

Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784