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session 20 3/3/19

03/03/2019 10:23:36 AM


Mrs. Deckert and Mr. Chazdon

Dear Kitah Dalet families,

*We started the morning with tefillah led by Rabbi Pein. She often shares stories about the weekly Torah portion and this week she shared a story about a young girl who loved flowers and decided they would beautify the tabernacle. Back in class, I asked the students what THEY would bring to beautify our sanctuary. They had a creative array of ideas, ranging from bringing their joyful voices to colorful artwork, their families and special prayer books. We appreciate that they bring their 9 year old inner beauty and caring hearts each Sunday to Temple Israel!

*As we finished our unit on the 10 Commandments, we shared a book called The 11th Commandment, filled with ideas from children around the country of important ideas. Our students then shared their own 11th commandments. There were thoughts on how to treat each other and themselves with more kindness, how to bring more peace to their homes and how to care for the earth.

*We started our unit on the Holiness Code in the Book of Leviticus. It is filled with different things we can do to be holy. We defined 'holy' as being set apart, special or sacred. We will finish this next week. We will also bake hamentachen next week as we prepare for Purim!

*The students met with Cantor Lauren to learn a few new songs. We will continue to practice as we get closer to our class trip to Bethel Springvale 3/24 and our class service 4/5.

Purim celebration and open house on March 17th.  Mini Spiel (show) at 10:25am, Carnival at 10:45am.  Fun for the whole family.  Invite your friends and neighbors to join us.


Betsy Deckert


Shalom Kitah Dalet Parents,

In our 18th Ivrit session our Daletniks

  • Were oriented to our new prayer of study, V’Ahavta . This began with viewing the studio video of the Beatles “All You Need is Love.” They discussed how this once popular song relates to V’Ahavta, which follows the Sh’ma in morning and evening services.
  • Received the first assignment and practiced decoding V’Ahavta from the paper;
  • Practiced decoding and translating V’Ahavta vocabulary at the learning stations.

Please encourage your child to practice decoding the first three lines of text on the first page of the assignment, as well as completing the exercises. It’s better to get good at a few lines than to struggle through the whole thing.


Lane Chazdon


Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784