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October month at a glance

10/01/2019 01:13:35 PM


Mrs. Deckert

Shalom Kitah Daletְ families,

Here is a brief summary of what we plan to cover in the coming weeks:

9/29/19 We will prepare for Rosh HaShanah exploring the themes of Teshuvah/ returning to our best selves and the wake up call of the sounds of the shofar. We will celebrate the sweetness the New Year 5780 offers with a sweet round challah, apples and honey!

10/6/19 We will prepare for Yom Kippur as we explore the idea of 'missing the mark." We will also celebrate students with Tishrei birthdays! (Last month we celebrated our Elul birthdays.)

10/13/19 We will learn about Sukkot and explore the themes of welcoming guests and gratitude for a bountiful harvest. The class will have a special treat as we decorate the sukkah and have a chance to get up close and personal with the lulav and etrog! Be sure to join in for the CJL bbq at 11:00!

10/20/19 This will be a special evening 5:00 CJL program as we don't just learn about the Torah, but we celebrate together, with singing and dancing! Be sure to bring the whole family!

The class will continue our weekly Hebrew Through Movement visits with Morah Ariela. The students really enjoy this energetic portion of the morning, and they are learning lots of modern Hebrew vocabulary along the way!

Dates to add to your calendar:

Sunday 9/29/19: Erev Rosh HaShanah

Monday 9/30/19: 12:45 Multi Generational service

3:30 Tashlich at Senasqua Park

Tuesday 10/8/19: 6:00 pm Multi Gen Kol Nidre Service

Wednesday 10/9/19: 10:45 Yom Kippur Youth Service

Sunday 10/13/19 11:00 Sukkot Family Festival and BBQ

Sunday 10/20/19 **Special CJL 5:00 pm Simchat Torah

**Special Consecration for new students to CJL

  • Please feel free to contact me or Rabbi Pein with any questions.


Morah Betsy Deckert

Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784