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session 3 9/23/18

09/23/2018 11:40:50 AM


Morah Rivka Kisling

Here is my newsletter for Sunday September 23

Dear Parents,

We had a very busy week, we talked about the holiday of Sukkot.

We learned some of the traditions of the holiday such as building the sukkah, eating, decorating and spending time in the Sukkah. Your children helped making decorations for our temple Sukkah.

We also learned about the Lulav, the lulav is made of three kinds of branches: Palm, willow and myrtle.

The tradition of inviting gust to the Sukkah, reminds us of Hachnasat Orhim הַכְנָסַת אוֹרְחִים the act of welcoming gust goes all the way back to Abraham and Sarah in the Bible that were known for their “open- tent” policy, welcoming strangers into their home for food and rest.

I want to wish you and your family a happy holiday

Morah Rivka

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784