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session 6 11/7/18

11/07/2018 11:04:30 AM


Mrs. Deckert and Mrs. Shapiro

Dear Kitah Zayin families, 
We did a lot of moving around tonight!
*We started the night with a 'Chaverim on a roll' activity. Both classes gathered in the Community Room and were instructed to partner with someone from the opposite class. There was an abundance of positive energy as they worked together with their new chaver/friend. It was a quick exercise and we intend to continue this activity as the year progresses in an effort to have all the students know each other and form a community.
*We have asked the students to bring in their Mitzvah Contracts next week. Many students took extra copies home tonight. They should be signed by a parent before returning them to class. There is a MIDNIGHT RUN 12/1. If your child is interested, they should begin collecting clothes per the online list and contact Peter Goldich immediately to save a space. 
*This week's session focused on navigating smartphone and social media use and we examined the positive and negative effects of posting accounts.  While not all students participate in social media, the discussions were pertinent to all. We came up with a class set of 'ideal' rules for social media use.  We ended the session with a link to Jewish ethics : "No harm could be done by gossip if no one listened to it.   It has been said that lashon hara /hateful speech destroys three: the person who speaks it, the person who hears it, and the person about whom it is told. "-Talmud, Arachin 15b
*We ended the evening with Rabbi Jaech. She spoke to the students about the shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue. She first listened to their understanding of the situation and their concerns and addressed them in gentle and clear terms. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
Betsy Deckert  and Stacy Shapiro

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784