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You are considering membership at Temple Israel of Northern Westchester and want to know more...OR...
You joined Temple Israel...Now what?
The Membership Team wants to make sure that you get what you need as a member of Temple Israel, and also to help you get what you want! We strive to help each other to create meaning out of membership as we build community and strengthen our mission.
Meet others with similar life cycles
- Singles or families without children
- Families with babies and toddlers
- Pre-Bar / Bat Mitzvah children
- Post-Bar / Bat Mitzvah children
- Youth Group (Confirmation Class)
- Older teens, college age youth and/or young adults
- Empty nesters
- 55+ single, married, committed
Activities to Share
- Hiking
- Sports (including our Temple Israel Adult Softball Team)
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Holidays
- Learning
- Shabbat
- Brotherhood
- Sisterhood
- Social Justice
Get to know people who live near you geographically, as well as members from all over the greater Westchester County region. Temple Israel is a far-reaching community!
We welcome all to the Temple Israel community regardless of race, gender and gender identity, immigration status, single / partnered, with or without children.
Membership- Support the community to grow the way YOU want it to! Explore Temple Israel of Northern Westchester and participate in small and larger ways, starting now!
Thu, February 13 2025
15 Sh'vat 5785
Temple israel Happenings
Sunday ,
MarMarch 2 , 2025Book Discussion with Rabbi Shai Held
Sunday, Mar 2nd 10:00am to 11:00am
Rabbi Shai Held-- philosopher, theologian, and Bible scholar, President and Dean at the Hadar Institute will speak about his new book, "Judaism is Love" -
Monday ,
MarMarch 3 , 2025Sisterhood Book Group "Lily's Promise"
Monday, Mar 3rd 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Lily's Promise by Lily Ebert and Dov Forman. It is a life affirming memoir of a Holocaust survivor and a tale of resilience and resistance. -
Thursday ,
MarMarch 6 , 2025Community Service Through Flowers
Thursday, Mar 6th 11:00am to 12:30pm
The program promotes a sense of peace and unity within our community and beyond through acts of loving kindness and social justice. Our goal is to bring joy into the lives of the elderly by creating floral arrangements which are distributed to local nursing homes and to build community among volunteers through this process. -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 9 , 2025Temple Tots
Sunday, Mar 9th 9:30am to 10:30am
Families with young children connect on Sunday mornings and Friday night dinners throughout the year (no membership is required!). All families with young children (ages 5 and younger) are encouraged to attend our interactive Jewish experiences. Older siblings and friends are welcome.
Today's Calendar
Tu BiSh'vat |
Friday Night
: 7:00pm |
Shabbat Day
: 9:30am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 16 |
Mar 2 |
Mar 2 |
Mar 3 |
Mar 5 |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |